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Nearly every business area involves balance and compromise. How do you provide exceptional service at high volume? How do you reduce costs without lowering quality? How do you meet increased demand without growing too quickly?

Customer experience automation (CXA) enables businesses to improve with less compromise. Specifically, CXA increases team efficiency while boosting customer satisfaction. By leveraging technology to automate customer interactions, CXA streamlines operations and lowers costs for the company while reducing response times and ensuring consistent service quality for the customer.

Introduction to Customer Experience Automation (CXA)

Customer experience (CX) describes all the interactions customers have with a business, from attentive (or inattentive) sales staff to well-written (or poorly written) website error messages. Each interaction contributes to the customer’s overall perception of and relationship with your brand.

In modern business operations, technology allows companies to automate many processes along the customer journey. For example:

  • Phone routers send callers to the right department
  • Online calendars let customers book their own appointments
  • Automated emails confirm purchases or recommend products
  • Online surveys gather feedback from customers

Some of these technologies are so common that they have become a natural and expected part of the customer experience. However, the increasing sophistication of artificial intelligence — particularly Conversational and Voice AI — is taking CXA to new heights.

Conversational AI uses machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) to understand and produce human-like speech. Businesses are leveraging this burgeoning technology to enhance customer interactions and drive business growth.

For example, an AI-powered knowledge base allows customers to get answers to their questions without making a phone call or searching all over the company website. Conversational AI chatbots can enable customers to book hotels or return products without waiting for a live customer service agent.

Understanding the Core Features of CXA

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As a leading Conversational Voice AI technology provider, 2X Solutions knows just how transformative CXA is for businesses. A properly designed and implemented CXA infrastructure helps companies qualify leads, reduce support volume, lower costs, and even improve compliance.

But what exactly does CXA look like? The features of 2X Solutions’ Conversational AI platform include the following:

Enhancing Customer Engagement

While computer programs don’t have a reputation for being engaging, modern technology is changing that. One key feature of successful CXA is that it enhances customer engagement. There are two key reasons: timeliness and personalization.


Today’s customer wants to engage on their own schedule. Whether that means getting a question answered at midnight or making a purchase at 6 AM, they don’t want to wait for business hours. CXA allows businesses to be available to leads and customers 24/7 while reducing response time.

At 2X Solutions, one of our clients faced challenges in lead generation. They installed our Conversational Voice AI tool to engage with online leads. The AI platform collected important information and answered common questions without requiring leads to fill out forms or wait for email replies, allowing the company to prequalify leads and schedule callbacks outside business hours.

The results? CXA improved the user experience and reduced bounce rates. Plus, it boosted qualified leads by 12% and increased conversion rates by 10%.


The other must-have for modern businesses is personalized interaction throughout the customer lifecycle. Today, everything is personalized: advertisements, emails, even the news. Modern consumers have less patience than ever for irrelevant messages, inappropriate product recommendations, or ads for the wrong location.

Customized communications, on the other hand, increase customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty. According to a 2021 McKinsey report, a whopping 71% of consumers expect personalized interactions, and 76% experience frustration when they don’t get it. CXA allows businesses to improve personalization efforts and implement them at scale.

AI-based sales automation tools can collect and process vast amounts of data, from demographics and geo-locations to browsing histories and past purchases. This information is available during each touchpoint, allowing for personalized interactions at every step.

Optimizing Sales and Marketing Efforts

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Besides enhancing customer engagement, CXA can boost sales and marketing efforts in other ways. For example, CXA tools enable businesses to automate lead and sales generation.

The best CXA platforms integrate seamlessly with marketing automation tools to optimize sales and marketing processes. AI chatbots can handle initial client contact, intelligent Voice AI can collect essential information, and automated email marketing can lead customers down the sales pipeline.

In the 2X Solutions client example above, Voice AI was able to engage in meaningful conversations with visitors. While offering customer assistance with information gathering and eligibility criteria, it also instantly qualified the leads for the sales team. Because we integrated AI with the company CRM, it automatically transferred qualified leads to sales reps, streamlining lead management and improving conversion rates.

Improving Operational Efficiency

At its core, most CXA isn’t meant to replace human customer service and sales teams entirely. Instead, its main function is to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up staff resources for more strategic activities.

For example, by prequalifying leads, chatbots and Voice AI systems allow sales reps to focus on customers who are more likely to buy. By asking the right questions, CRX troubleshooting systems can offer self-help resources, reduce inbound support volume, and gather crucial information for customers who end up needing human support via live chat or phone.

At 2X Solutions, we invite clients to think of our CXA platform as their efficiency partner. By handling customer contact at various touchpoints, CXA streamlines operational workflows, optimizes staff resources, saves money, and enhances productivity.

Ensuring Compliance and Quality Assurance

AI-powered CXA also helps ensure compliance with industry regulations and quality standards. Depending on your business, this could take a big weight off your shoulders — and perhaps prevent costly mistakes and reputational damage.

At 2X Solutions, our CXA platform operates in real-time, monitoring and analyzing customer interactions as they happen. For example, our Voice AI listens to sales conversations, detects key phrases, and alerts managers of any issues. In addition, it transcribes interactions, which you can later use to address compliance issues and train salespeople.

Our tools can also scan email communications for compliance concerns, store phone transcriptions for auditing purposes, analyze notes in the CRM, and even provide redacted versions of interactions.

In summary, AI-powered CXA helps businesses do the following:

  • Comply with industry-specific regulations
  • Adhere to internal policies
  • Reduce human error
  • Mitigate business risks
  • Detect fraud
  • Enhance sales performance
  • Improve customer service
  • Boost brand image

Measuring ROI and Business Impact

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CXA tools can drive innovation, boost efficiency, and improve customer service. Fortunately, you don’t have to take our word for it. As with any other business venture, you can take steps to measure the return on investment (ROI) after implementing CXA.

Start by developing key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the effectiveness of your CXA efforts. The variety of possible KPIs is nearly endless, but the ones you choose are unique to your business and should reflect your short-term and long-term goals. Here are some examples:

  • Lead generation
  • Lead response time
  • Lead qualification
  • Conversion rates
  • Customer retention
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Support volume
  • Cost savings
  • Revenue growth
  • Sales cycle timelines

For example, the KPIs one of our clients wanted to boost were marketing ROI, operational efficiency, and compliance scores. We implemented Voice AI to reach out to leads, follow up through email and text messaging, and connect leads with experienced sales reps.

As a result, contact rates jumped 15%, and the company reached over 475 more leads a month. What about their KPIs? The company doubled ROI, cut four junior sales jobs (saving $180,000 a year), and upgraded compliance scores by 5%.

Future Trends and Innovations in CXA

As technology advances and AI evolves, we expect to see the following trends take shape shortly:

  • Hyper personalization — creating a unique customer digital identity to predict behavior and meet needs proactively
  • Seamless omnichannel interactions — unifying customer interactions across websites, apps, and social media
  • Multi-modal AI — incorporating additional sensory input to power features such as visual search and voice analysis
  • Enhanced chatbot AI — chatbots that can better read context cues, make personalized recommendations, and facilitate more complex transactions
  • Industry-specific applications — such as gathering health information for physicians

CXA moves so fast that it can be hard to keep up. Partnering with a CXA expert can help you stay abreast of evolving technologies and implement emerging trends before the competition. At 2X Solutions, we work carefully with our clients to define their objectives, evaluate their technology infrastructure, and offer the best CXA platform for their needs.

What’s more, we help our clients scale and future-proof their systems. That includes everything from preserving the knowledge embedded in your system to facilitating transitions when needed.

Explore How Customer Experience Automation Can Help Your Business

For more information about how CXA can help your business reach its goals, contact 2X Solutions today. We are committed to helping companies leverage the power of technology to drive business innovations and unlock new opportunities for success.

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