colleagues working at call center

Your phone rings before the crack of dawn one Saturday morning. Worried that it’s an emergency, you pick up — only to hear a telemarketer droning in your ear. It’s safe to say that you’d never do business with a company so disrespectful of your time.

AI-controlled call timing can help your company avoid unfortunate situations like this one. In this guide, discover the importance of AI-controlled call timing and the benefits for your business and its customers.

Challenges of Non-Compliant Call Timing

Not complying with federal and state regulations regarding calling customers outside of the approved times can land your business in hot water.

State and Federal Regulations on Call Timing

In 1991, Congress passed the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) as a means to combat the steadily increasing number of complaints over telemarketing calls.

Per TCPA, marketers cannot send pre-recorded messages or automated calls to consumers unless they have previously given marketers consent to do so. The TCPA also states that marketers may not call consumers before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m.

Some states, such as Washington, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Florida, have additional phone marketing regulations to follow as well.

If you call consumers in the European Union, you must also comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which requires marketers to obtain explicit consent from consumers before calling them.

The Risks of Non-Compliance: Fines and Penalties

Failing to comply with TCPA regulations can cost your business thousands in penalties and fines Consumers may sue for TCPA violations and recover up to $500 per violation, or up to $1,500 if they can show that the marketer knowingly and willfully violated the TCPA.

That’s not all. The FCC can also impose a penalty of up to $10,000 for each intentional call timing violation.

GDPR fines are far steeper and can be financially ruinous for any company. Noncompliance can result in fines of 4% of your annual turnover or €20 million (about $22 million), whichever is greater.

Avoiding Negative Customer Perception

In addition to fines, violating robocall regulations can seriously annoy consumers. Potential customers are unlikely to do business with a marketer who calls them early in the morning or late at night.

The Benefits of AI-Controlled Call Timing

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Are you having trouble getting your call timing down pat? Voice Ai conversations from 2X Solutions handle it for you? Check out the importance of AI-controlled call timing and the benefits you’ll reap next.

Ensuring Adherence to Regulations Across Different Locations

In addition to complying with federal regulations, you must also stay on top of state-specific telemarketing call timing regulations. And if you do business internationally, that opens up a whole new can of worms.

AI calling systems can be programmed to comply with federal, state, and international call timing regulations, making it a must in your compliance management toolkit.

Automating Time Zone Adjustments for Accurate Calls

It may be 9 a.m. where your call center is, but for some of your potential customers, the sun may not even be up yet. It’s easy to forget that many consumers are in different time zones, which can lead to costly penalties if any of those consumers complain to the FCC.

AI calling systems automatically recognize time zone restrictions and will not place calls outside of acceptable hours.

Eliminating the Risk of Human Error

Even the best-trained call center agents can make mistakes. That’s human nature, but unfortunately, the FCC doesn’t care if your call timing violations were a mistake — you’ll still be subject to fines and penalties.

An AI-controlled calling system helps eliminate the risk of costly call timing errors. It selects consumers to call based on predetermined criteria, so you’ll never have to worry about your voice Ai agent calling someone when it’s too early or late in the day.

How AI Manages Call Timing Effectively

Now that you’ve discovered the importance of AI-controlled call timing, let’s explore how it works.

Utilizing Zip Code Data for Precise Time Zone Targeting

AI systems precisely identify time zones by looking up consumer zip codes. Using zip code data is a must because time zones can differ even within the same state. For example, Florida is in both the Central and Eastern time zones, while Idaho is split between Mountain and Pacific time.

Employing Area Code Lookups for Broader Targeting

Want to target consumers within a certain city or county? You can use AI systems to more precisely target your cold calls thanks to area code lookups. For example, you could program the system to focus calls on consumers in the 972 or 854 area codes. This allows you to tailor your message to people living in those area codes.

Integrating Holiday Calendars for Automatic Call Blocking

Nobody wants to receive a telemarketing call when they’re sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner or opening gifts with the kids on Christmas morning. You can program your AI calling system with a holiday calendar to automatically block calls on select dates.

AI-Controlled Call Timing: Beyond Compliance

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AI-controlled call timing doesn’t only ensure that your business complies with timing regulations. Below, check out the additional perks you’ll enjoy when you recognize the importance of AI-controlled call timing.

Improving Customer Experience with Time-Sensitive Calls

When a customer has a problem with your product, they don’t want to wait ages for a response — they want a solution now. Thanks to AI-controlled call timing, you can address time-sensitive issues like this one quickly.

Optimizing Call Center Agent Productivity

Back in the old days, telemarketers had to look up phone numbers, determine time zones, and manually place calls. This was a time-consuming process that significantly limited the number of calls marketers could place.

Because AI systems handle all of the grunt work, your call center agents can focus on sealing the deal with prospective customers. Real-time monitoring also allows you to track the productivity of each agent.

Boosting Customer Satisfaction Through Respectful Call Timing

When consumers feel like you respect their time, they’re more likely to listen to your sales pitch with an open mind. AI systems ensure that you don’t accidentally call and annoy consumers outside of business hours. 2X Solutions’ AI systems also analyze zip and area codes to ensure you remain in compliance with local regulations.

Understanding the Limitations of AI in Call Timing

Although AI calling systems have much to offer, they do have several limitations to be aware of.

Addressing Situations With No Location Data

In some cases, AI systems are unable to find time information due to a lack of location data. This can be the case for consumers living in a rural area with spotty cellular services. In this situation, you may have to perform a manual lookup to ensure that you’re complying with call timing regulations.

Mitigating Unexpected Changes in Regulations

Although the TCPA came into play more than two decades ago, lawmakers continue to debate its interpretation and enforcement. The status quo can change at any time, and your business must be prepared to keep up with modifications to the law or risk expensive fines.

The Importance of Human Oversight and Review

AI calling systems are autonomous, but it’s not wise to think of them as a “set-it-and-forget-it” solution. Your business must continually review the system and call analytics to make sure it is working as intended.

The Future of AI-Controlled Call Timing

person dialing number on telephone

Where will AI-controlled call timing go next? Here’s a sneak peek at what’s in store.

Advanced AI for Real-Time Call Time Adjustments

Advanced AI systems can make call time adjustments on the fly. For example, these systems can recognize when a prospective customer moves to a new zip code or travels into a different time zone and adjust the timing of calls accordingly.

Integration With Customer Communication Preferences

As a business owner, the last thing you want to do is annoy your customers. That’s why complying with their communication preferences is a must.

You can program your AI system to only call customers during their preferred hours or on certain days. AI systems also recognize numbers that are part of the National Do Not Call Registry and will avoid calling those numbers.

Continuous Improvement Through Machine Learning

Machine learning is an exciting technology that gives AI systems the ability to learn and make decisions in real time. Thanks to this tech, you won’t have to explicitly tell the system what to do in every situation.

For example, suppose the system recognizes that most people answer the phone between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. It will adjust to place calls when consumers are most likely to answer them.

Improve Your Phone Marketing With 2X Solutions’ AI Systems

Now that you’ve learned the importance of AI-controlled call timing, are you ready to take your phone marketing to the next level? 2X Solutions’ voice AI systems come with perks like:

  • Real-time compliance monitoring
  • Continuous learning
  • Seamless recording
  • Consent tracking
  • Personalized experiences
  • Improved customer satisfaction
  • Streamlined lead qualification
  • Better conversion rates

To learn more about our voice AI solutions, call us at (323) 214-3889.

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