woman talking to phone while writing notes

According to a Harvard Business Report study, businesses that respond to online leads within one hour are seven times more likely to qualify them. Despite this, only about one-third of businesses respond to leads this quickly.

Unfortunately, the average business takes almost two days to respond to leads. This is one of many reasons why connecting your voice AI to your CRM matters.

When you integrate voice AI into your customer relationship management system, your company can begin contacting leads within 60 seconds. Voice AI can also determine the interest levels of leads and connect them with live sales representatives.

Discover more about why connecting your voice AI to your CRM matters below.

Customized AI

When you invest in voice AI for your CRM, your company can choose how to customize it. You can decide whether voice AI will contact leads via phone calls, emails, or text messages. You can also settle on what voice AI should communicate to leads.

Control Your Own SMS

The control your company can take over the interactions it has with leads is ultimately why connecting your voice AI to your CRM matters. You can deliver a more consistent message to consumers by arranging to have voice AI touch base with them by phone as soon as they contact your company.

But, why stop there? In addition to offering voice bot integration, working voice AI into your CRM also empowers you to send custom text messages to leads. Surveys have shown that almost two-thirds of consumers prefer receiving text messages from companies rather than phone calls.

Personalize Email Communication

Emailing leads is often the least effective way to connect with them. The average American worker spends more than 2.5 hours per day reading emails, so convincing leads to read and respond to emails might not serve as the best option.

However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still try to utilize email to connect with leads when phone calls and text messages don’t cut it. You can personalize your email communication with leads by counting on voice AI.

Enhanced Customer Experience

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Surveys on customer experience (CX) have revealed about 75% of Americans say it’s the top factor they consider when choosing between competing brands.

For this reason, your company should search for new ways to offer an improved customer experience. Connecting your voice AI to your CRM can help.

Streamlined Call Handling

Almost 90% of Americans say they would prefer to speak to people versus navigating through menus when communicating with companies. This might lead you to wonder why connecting your voice AI to your CRM matters. Wouldn’t this send potential leads packing in many cases?

No! Just because your company invests in voice AI doesn’t mean customers and leads can’t still speak to your employees. Instead, your company can handle incoming and outgoing calls more efficiently.

Personalized Interactions

Over 80% of Americans expect companies to provide personalized experiences. Is your company offering the personalization people want?

Since you can control voice AI, you can personalize experiences for those communicating with your company. Voice AI can also learn how to incorporate even more personalization into interactions with consumers as time goes on.

Improved Resolution Rates

Surveys have shown the average company takes about three times longer than consumers would like to resolve issues. If your company is looking to improve its resolution rates, it won’t take long to see why connecting your voice AI to your CRM matters from a customer service perspective.

Your customer service representatives can get to calls from consumers faster and work on solving issues quicker thanks to voice AI.

Boosted Sales and Lead Generation

Have your company’s sales numbers become stagnant, or have your sales representatives struggled to generate leads? Connecting your voice AI to your CRM could reverse both these trends.

Capture Detailed Call Data

Your company can likely learn a lot from your current customers as well as the potential leads you connect with by phone. Voice AI can help capture a real-time call transcription for each of your company’s calls.

Voice AI can also pull important information from transcripts and utilize data integration to incorporate it into your CRM. Studying this data could help improve your company’s sales and make lead generation easier.

Qualify Leads More Effectively

Your company can set up voice AI to ask potential leads a series of questions to determine how serious they are about purchasing products or services. It can use the answers they provide to qualify leads more effectively.

Voice AI can also redirect strong leads to your company’s employees to increase the chances of converting them to sales.

Automate Follow-Up Tasks

Your company won’t always make sales after speaking with leads initially. You may have to follow up with them to turn them into sales. Voice AI can automate follow-up tasks, like scheduling phone calls, and ensure leads don’t slip through the cracks.

Deeper Customer Insights

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Integrating voice AI into your CRM can provide important insights into your customer base. This can help you serve consumers better and expand your business over time.

Voice Analytics Reveals Preferences

Your company should pay attention to what consumers say when you connect with them. You should also take it a step further by analyzing how they say things.

Implementing voice AI into your CRM can give your company access to voice analytics. This can help highlight consumer preferences based on how people speak.

Identify Trends and Opportunities

Are there certain trends and patterns that have emerged when customers and leads reach out to your company? You might not notice them now, but voice AI can help identify these trends by evaluating the data it gathers.

Voice AI can also pinpoint opportunities for your company to convert leads quicker and deliver better customer service.

Improve Customer Segmentation

Your company can better personalize customer interactions by performing customer segmentation. This involves grouping customers with similar characteristics together. You can improve your company’s customer segmentation with voice AI.

Streamlined Workflows and Automation

Voice AI and CRM automation can help your company run smoother by streamlining your workflows. This can improve efficiency and save your company time and money.

Trigger Automated Actions From Calls

When a customer or a lead contacts your company, what happens next? You can set up voice AI and your CRM to automatically take action. Voice AI can connect consumers with live representatives or handle tasks like appointment scheduling.

Integrate With Existing CRM Workflows

Your CRM is likely already set up to provide everything from data management tools to improved in-house communication among employees. You can supercharge its functionality by integrating voice AI and improving your existing CRM workflows further.

Improve Overall Operational Efficiency

Recent reports reveal only about 12% of Americans say they’re fully productive at work. At least some people aren’t as productive as they should be simply because they’re routinely asked to complete repetitive tasks that could be automated.

Those wondering why connecting your voice AI to your CRM matters should consider the positive impact it can have on efficiency. For example, 2X Solutions gives data back with a webhook so you can control the workflow just like you would with a human employee.

Improved Data Quality and Accuracy

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When communicating with consumers, your company’s goal is often to gather information from them. Connecting your voice AI to your CRM can improve the quality and accuracy of the data you collect.

Eliminate Manual Data Entry Errors

If your company relies on humans to manually enter data in your system, they’re inevitably going to make mistakes. Voice AI can ensure your data is always accurate by avoiding errors.

Capture Real-Time Customer Feedback

You can capture real-time feedback from customers when they contact your company through voice AI. You can also use it to make important decisions related to your business.

Maintain Consistent Customer Records

Consistency is the key when it comes to keeping customer records. You can prevent errors and update records accordingly when you have voice AI integrated within your CRM.

Enhanced Security and Compliance

If you’re still not sure why connecting your voice AI to your CRM matters, see how it can positively impact your company’s security and compliance.

Secure Voice Data Storage & Access

Integrating your voice AI into your CRM does more than just enable you to collect voice data. It also provides a secure place to store this data while keeping it accessible.

Improve Call Recording Compliance

Companies must abide by certain local and international regulations when recording calls with customers. Your company can teach voice AI about these call recording laws to ensure compliance.

Maintain Data Integrity Within Your CRM

Maintaining data integrity involves checking data to make sure it’s accurate, complete, and valid. You can take care of this step automatically with voice AI integrated into your CRM setup.

Contact Us To Connect Your Voice AI With Your CRM

Now that you understand why connecting your voice AI to your CRM matters, are you ready to begin integrating the two? 2x Solutions is here to help your company do it. Call us to get started.

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